We're here to help!
Our support page offers you useful links to the sklera help center and user manual.
You will also find answers to frequently asked questions regarding sklera CMS, sklera Player, as well as purchase options and pricing here.
User manual
Are you already a sklera customer? The user manual can be found in the sklera CMS (German only).
Find answers to our frequently asked questions below.
How can I obtain a license?
We do not sell our licenses directly, but through selected distribution partners. Write to us to get in touch!
Does sklera also sell displays/hardware?
No - but our sales partners will be happy to put together a hardware package for you. Write to us to get in touch!
Is there a retailer discount at sklera?
Yes, there are special rates for retailers. Contact us for details!
Are there quantity discounts at sklera?
Yes, there are quantity discounts for larger projects, usually starting from 10 licenses. Contact us for details!
Are there discounts for educational institutions and non-profit organisations?
Yes, we are happy to support you and your institution on request.
How can I become a sales partner of sklera?
We are always happy to welcome new sales opportunities and partners. Contact us for details!
Is Google CDM (chrome device management) already included in sklera?
No, but your sales partner will be happy to provide you with further information. Write to us to get in touch!
What is the difference between sklera standard and sklera professional?
In essence, sklera professional offers some enterprise features for larger signage networks with touch capabilities and unlimited CMS storage. The precise scope of features can be found here.
Can I combine different product packages in one channel?
No, only one package can be used per channel.
I only need sklera for a single event. Can I also use it for less than one year?
Yes, we offer a one-time license for events. Your partner will be happy to provide you with more information. Write to us to get in touch!
How long is a demo account valid?
Demo access is available for 15 days. You will receive information by email in advance. Please contact us if you require a longer period.
Can I reactivate my demo account?
Yes, you have 6 months after the expiration of your demo account to contact us and have it reactivated. After that your uploaded data will be deleted.
What happens to my data when my demo account expires?
We will store your uploaded data for a further 6 months, after which it will be deleted.
On which hardware does sklera run?
LG WebOS, Samsung Tizen, Android, Amazon FireTV, Chrome OS, Linux, Windows 7 and above.
We are constantly covering new hardware. A detailed list of certified devices can be found in our help center.
Will sklera also work on my LG WebOS TV or my Samsung Tizen TV?
No, you need a professional or public display from these manufacturers to use the sklera Player or you can use your LG WebOS TV or Samsung Tizen TV with an external player hardware (e.g. Amazon Fire TV).
How do I install the sklera Player?
There are different procedures depending on the device, which you will find in our help center.
I forgot my sklera CMS password - what can I do?
If you use sklera in the cloud, you can reset your password HERE. Please contact your sales partner if you are running sklera on your own server (on-premises).
What is a channel?
A channel includes your media items, playlists and players that belong to your account.
What is the difference between sklera CMS and sklera Player?
The sklera CMS is the central control element for content and displays. The sklera Player brings your content created in sklera CMS to the display. The sklera Player acts as the required operating system, which is installed directly on the display.
Can I combine different hardware?
Yes, there are no restrictions. It is possible to share different player platforms.
Can I run sklera on my own server?
Yes, contact us for your customised enterprise solution.
Can I use sklera as a white-label solution for my company?
Yes, contact us for your customised enterprise solution.
Where is my data hosted in sklera cloud?
Your data will be hosted in Ireland, we can also offer you a customised hosting package on request.
Is there any training for the sklera CMS?
Yes, the help center is available to answer all your questions. Please contact your sales partner for personal training of your team.
Can I manage my displays at different locations?
Yes, your displays connect to the server and can be operated regardless of location.
Can sklera be operated offline?
Yes, transferred data is stored offline. The player synchronises automatically as soon as a connection to the server is available again.
Does sklera also work in 4k?
Yes, content can be uploaded in 4k and played using the appropriate player hardware.
Does sklera work in portrait format?
Yes, sklera works in both landscape and portrait format.
Which image and video formats work in sklera?
You can find all information regarding supported image and video formats here.
Can I upload PowerPoint or Word documents?
Yes, these document formats can be uploaded and played back as images in the sklera standard and sklera professional packages.
Animations from PowerPoint cannot be uploaded here.
Only PDF documents can be uploaded and used in the Basic package.
Can I program my own content?
Yes, HTML5 apps can be developed and uploaded, which can then be played using the Javascript SDK provided.
Where does the weather data come from in sklera?
sklera uses an external service provider to obtain the weather data for each location (openweathermap.org).
How can I integrate Instagram/Facebook/Twitter?
Social networks can be integrated via the walls.io connection.
Can I integrate YouTube videos and channels?
Yes, you can integrate individual YouTube videos that are streamed (no offline capability).
YouTube channels and playlists cannot be integrated.
Can sklera operate with a Raspberry Pi?
This feature is under development. Subscribe to our newsletter to keep up to date.
I have a specific technical question - is there a user manual?
Most technical questions are covered by our Help Center.
The user manual can be found in the sklera CMS under this link (German only).
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