sklera Room Manager

Your tool for simple room booking and event administration.

Picture of a confirm event dialog shown on a doorsign screen.

You'd like to ...

  • show booking states of your meeting rooms on displays outside?
  • display details about current and upcoming events?
  • conduct ad-hoc bookings of vacant rooms?
  • confirm events and meetings and delete unconfirmed entries?

sklera Room Manager is the ideal solution!

Flexible data sources & central administration

Manage your events via the sklera CMS and show them globally – or just on specific displays. Or connect sklera to your digital calendars and fill the bookings automatically!

Google Calendar

Connect your Google calendar with sklera and automatically import events.


sklera supports the iCal data format. Simply supply us the URL - we'll do the rest.


Optionally we offer Exchange / Office-365 integration - 2-way sync included!


Create, edit or delete events directly with the aid of our API.

*A separate license per Channel is required.

You have questions or want to request a tailormade offer?

Flexible usage

Utilise the Room Manager to display event information where it needs to be.

Spontaneous meetings? No problem! With the built-in ad hoc functionality you can check for empty meeting rooms and book one right then and there.

This image shows an illustration of the sklera cms design tools feature.
Picture of a confirm event dialog shown on a doorsign screen.


Make users confirm an event onsite.

You can opt to enable event confirmation in the settings, including the info on how long before or after the confirmation dialog will be visible. Unconfirmed events will automatically be removed after that timeframe has lapsed.


Only the event title, or in combination with a long description and organizer – what kind of information about the event you wish to display is entirely up to you. Select from a range of fields beyond titles, time & date and organizer, and choose whether to display upcoming events.

  • Picture of the sklera cms showing how to manage room bookings and events.
  • Picture of an ongoing meeting displayed on a doorsign with personalized background image and colors.
  • Picture of the "cancel booking" function on a doorsign.
This image shows the image resizing function of the layout designer.

Display events in style

Use the complete functionality of our sklera Layout Editor.

The sky is the limit – you have full control over the layout of your event display. Material from your Media Library and Playlists included!

Show news or other dynamic content, or configure placeholder material which is shown when there is no event in this room. And with touch support you're free to extend the interactivity of your room signage.

Or help out your colleagues waiting for the room to free up and show something entertaining – who said that the layout is restricted to pure information?

Philips 10BDL and sklera

Well met.

The Room Manager module is compatible with every display supporting sklera software.

If you connect a Philips 10BDL display, we offer additional functionality by controlling the integrated status LEDs.

Picture of a Philips 10bdl device.

*sklera does not sell hardware.

You want to request more info or an individual offer?

digital signage made easy

Bruno-Marek-Allee 5/11 Z1
A-1020 Vienna, Austria
Always Up-To-Date
2025 sklera GmbH